Personal Space for Profit and Productivity

Do your pets understand the concept of personal space? Fergus the Fierce, who’s 3, wants to play more than Queen Ronnie does at age 9. The first thing he did after he got his after-nap loving from me was run for her and twine around her. The first thing she did was spit in his general direction and run away.

We introverts understand all about the concept of personal space because, well, we need it. A lot of it. November 30 is Personal Space Day, which apparently was tailor-made for us. (Yes, you can be an introvert and still be a business owner.) 

Every entrepreneur needs to recharge from time to time, by taking time away from work to do hobbies and activities and see and do and think about things other than work. (Even when, and maybe even especially when, you love your work.) 

Introverts desperately need time away from people to recharge. Extroverts often do some of their recharging with plenty of other people around them.

If you’re an extrovert, the concept of personal space might seem a little weird.

But if you’re an extrovert business owner and you don’t allow yourself some personal space from time to time, you’re missing out on productivity. You’re missing out on opportunities to improve how your business operates or make it more effective. You could be missing out on incredible opportunities to amplify your impact.

When you’re constantly grinding and doing and being with people, you have no room…

… for thought. 

For the space you need for creativity.

For time to look back and check that you’re still operating in alignment with your values. Time to reflect and see what’s going well and what isn’t. Time to plan.

Give yourself time to yourself, even if it’s not a long period of time. Get personal space from everyone, including your loved ones, and be yourself by yourself. 

You may be better company than you remembered or realized!


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