



Inspire your attendees - and give them something to take home with them.

  • Disrupt the Distraction Economy

    Distractions are all around us, and it’s hard for businesspeople to focus on one task at a time, which is the most effective way of working. Find out the major distractions and how to manage them.

  • Take Back Your Time and Attention

    Time suck is everywhere you look, but you don’t have to succumb to it! Discover what the biggest thieves of time and attention are and how to safeguard yourself against them.

  • Better Brain, Better Balance

    The human brain is amazingly powerful, but many businesspeople aren’t using theirs to their full advantage. Attendees learn what supports their brain and how to work with it instead of against it – which is the key to productivity.

Make sure your audience is engaged.


JJ loves to inspire those in business, especially women, to escape the hustle-and-grind and get back to a way of life that’s enjoyable, fulfilling, and effective.  By working smarter instead of harder, attendees are able to accomplish their priorities at work so they can go home and spend time with friends and family, as well as on hobbies and activities they enjoy.

Spoiler alert: all this so-called “unproductive” time at home is actually what helps people be more effective and efficient at work!

JJ engages her listeners, whether they’re virtual or in person, and gives them suggestions that they can implement the same day in order to be more productive immediately.