What To Do (Instead of Work) For a More Productive Day
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What To Do (Instead of Work) For a More Productive Day

If you’re a human, then you’ve got a human brain. (If you’re not a human, then feel free to skip this article.) And for a variety of reasons, human brains aren’t meant to be completely “on” 16 hours out of the day, even if you get the 8 hours sleep you need at night.

If you’re trying to cram at work and just bear down and blast through, you’re doing yourself and your brain a disservice. Not only that, you’re giving yourself a less productive day and less chance to get the important things done. (As a reminder, busy is not productive!)

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The Power of Productive Introverts
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

The Power of Productive Introverts

This week kicks off National Introverts Week, but don’t expect a lot of celebration, because that’s not typically how we introverts roll. A productive workplace will take the needs of the entire spectrum into account: introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts.

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Rocking Single Working Women’s Day
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Rocking Single Working Women’s Day

As a single lady myself, I recognize that sometimes sh*t gets tough. When you’re struggling in business, you don’t have anyone else’s income to rely on.

But there are a lot of positive aspects to being a single woman running your own business… chief among them being you can do exactly what you want to do when you want to do it. Though of course, that goes for single life in general.

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3 Proven Ways to Recharge for Productivity
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

3 Proven Ways to Recharge for Productivity

A client and I were talking the other day about how vacation “season” seems to have disappeared. Summer used to be a slow time, when families went on vacation because the kids were out of school.

In finance, the month between Thanksgiving and New Year’s was slow, except for maybe the holiday parties we hosted for clients. (Those were the days!) The office was empty the week between Christmas and New Year’s.

Does anyone’s business have a slow season anymore?

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