It’s The Most Helpful Time of the Year
If you’re hoping to give your productivity a boost this year so you can reclaim your time AND make money in your business, your holiday is this week! That’s right, February 22 is (drumroll, please) Single Tasking Day.
Darwin Day And Your Business Evolution
Why should business owners celebrate Darwin Day, which commemorates the birth of Charles Darwin?
Well, why not?
But seriously…
Business Owners and Ballet: Boost Your Productivity
I’m drafting this on a Monday, which is the day I have ballet class. In a few hours I’ll walk to class. It takes me longer to walk than to drive, which shortens my workday (gasp!)
What If We Focused on Living Well Instead of Just Living Long?
I’m a member of a number of Gen X Facebook groups, some of which are devoted to women. One of them asked what beauty procedures people were doing to stay young. I’m not shaming anyone who’s relying on plastic surgery and fillers and the rest to look younger.
But I did say I focus more on preparing my body and mind for age.
Ways “Slow Productivity” Benefits Business Owners
Some people like to go, go, go a million miles an hour. That’s great when you’re intentional about it! But if you feel like you’re running on an infinite hamster wheel and it’s stressing you out, maybe a different approach will work better.
3 Powerful Ways for Business Owners To Be More Productive in 2024
Sometimes when I’m speaking on the topic of productivity I can see the audience thinking, “There’s no way I can do that!”
Most of the time, what they really mean is “I don’t want to do that”.
Is a Balanced Life Even Possible When You’re a Business Owner?
For many of us, a balanced life just seems like an impossibility. January is Get a Balanced Life month, which may seem like a resolution that’s destined to fail more than anything else.
Brains and Productivity: What Business Owners Need to Know
The word productivity itself is overused, and can mean different things for different people. It covers both the work I do in helping business owners reclaim their time by working with their brains instead of against them.
What Do You Want More of in 2024?
The last week of the year is (rightly, I think) a time to reflect on the previous year and think about the coming one. The current year is dying so the new one can take its place.
Maybe that sounds a bit morbid (sorrynotsorry). But what do you want to let go in 2023 and welcome in 2024?
Knowing Yourself Brings Better Productivity for Business Owners
When I was a kid, my eye doctor would always tell me that dynamite comes in small packages because I was always short for my age.
Don’t Let Apps Interrupt Your Business
We’ve all heard of work-life balance, but maybe it’s time for tech-life balance. Which is probably easier to achieve, anyway.
Do You Have The Courage To Be More Productive?
You might ask what bravery has to do with productivity.
American culture celebrates “busy-ness”. When people are asked how they’re doing, they often respond “So busy!” And wouldn’t we all be embarrassed to say otherwise? Imagine the looks of horror if you said, “Not at all busy!” Many, but not all, retirees seem to need to be busy too.
One Thing At a Time For Business Owners
December is coming, and there are lots of parties and fun things to do. Business owners might feel like they don’t have enough time to get everything done, and as a result, try to multitask.
Why Buy Nothing Day is Good for Business Owners
My first day of “real” work (aside from babysitting jobs) was the day after Thanksgiving in 1988. I was 16, and the entire day I stood behind the counter and dealt with the hangers (I worked in a women’s clothing store.)
Find Your Four Hours for Productivity
There are a few ways to improve productivity, but they don’t all have the same impact.
Why NaNoWriMo (& Other Creative Pursuits) Are Great for Business Owners
If you’re a business owner, it might seem crazy to devote a month to writing a novel (National Novel Writing Month). I’m not saying I’m perfectly sane, but I enjoy writing. And I’ll use NaNoWriMo to give me a goal, some support, and a deadline.
Doesn’t sound all that different from a business goal, does it?
How Business Owners Can Be More Productive Through Zero Tasking
Does the idea of being more productive with no tasks whatsoever sound crazy?
Probably, but here’s the thing: the human brain, yours included, is not a machine. Unlike your computer, it only has limited time each day (about 4 to 4 ½ hours) for cognitively demanding work that involves numbers, strategizing, planning, etc.
Financial Planning and Productivity
If you’re a business owner, you need to know your numbers.
Turning Info Into Knowledge and Productivity (For Business Owners)
If you feel like you’re living in a firehose of information, you’re not alone – and you’re not wrong, either.
For Freethought Day, Unleash Your Brain and Boost Your Firm’s Productivity
All business owners are engaged in knowledge work. And if you have an accounting, legal, financial, marketing, or architecture firm, your business is also knowledge work. Which makes the most important tool in your toolbox – weapon in your arsenal – ingredient in your pantry… your brain.