Got Boundaries?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Got Boundaries?

If you’re a business owner, no boundaries are no good. At least if you want to be profitable and successful!

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Science and Productivity, Like PB & J
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Science and Productivity, Like PB & J

Having just come back from northern Chile to look at some stars and view the sky through telescopes at the best place on earth for observatories… I realize that not only is there a solar eclipse today (4/8), but the 14th of April is National Look Up At the Sky Day!

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Why Working Harder Isn’t Always The Answer
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Why Working Harder Isn’t Always The Answer

Many of us pride ourselves on hard work, and of course, more is better, right? According to the media, in order to be successful, you have to hustle and grind and give up life outside work. To be fair, for most people success doesn’t come on a silver platter and it does require hard work.

But does hard work mean you have to work 12-14 hours a day? Avoid taking breaks? Never go on vacation?

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Boundaries Are a Woman Business Owner’s Best Friend
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Boundaries Are a Woman Business Owner’s Best Friend

The Barbie movie grossed $636 million in the United States and over $1.4 billion worldwide. I bet America Ferrara's monologue about the absolutely impossible standards women are held to in this country had a lot to do with it breaking the box office. So many of us felt seen by that scene!

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Entrepreneur Who Wants More Out of Life? Inconvenience Yourself
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Entrepreneur Who Wants More Out of Life? Inconvenience Yourself

If you spend a lot of time looking at ads, articles, and other media published here in the US, you’d come away with the belief that faster is better and more is better.

Especially when it comes to work: the faster you work, the more successful you’ll be. The more hours you work, the more rewarded you’ll be.


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It’s The Most Helpful Time of the Year
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

It’s The Most Helpful Time of the Year

If you’re hoping to give your productivity a boost this year so you can reclaim your time AND make money in your business, your holiday is this week! That’s right, February 22 is (drumroll, please) Single Tasking Day.

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What If We Focused on Living Well Instead of Just Living Long?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What If We Focused on Living Well Instead of Just Living Long?

I’m a member of a number of Gen X Facebook groups, some of which are devoted to women. One of them asked what beauty procedures people were doing to stay young. I’m not shaming anyone who’s relying on plastic surgery and fillers and the rest to look younger.
But I did say I focus more on preparing my body and mind for age.

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Ways “Slow Productivity” Benefits Business Owners
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

Ways “Slow Productivity” Benefits Business Owners

Some people like to go, go, go a million miles an hour. That’s great when you’re intentional about it! But if you feel like you’re running on an infinite hamster wheel and it’s stressing you out, maybe a different approach will work better.

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What Do You Want More of in 2024?
Jennifer Jank Jennifer Jank

What Do You Want More of in 2024?

The last week of the year is (rightly, I think) a time to reflect on the previous year and think about the coming one. The current year is dying so the new one can take its place.

Maybe that sounds a bit morbid (sorrynotsorry). But what do you want to let go in 2023 and welcome in 2024?

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