Just half a day can give you and your team the productivity boost you’ve been searching for.

Designed for any size business, this 4-hour workshop is based on principles of neuroscience and gives attendees tools they can start using the same day. The Productivity Injection workshop can be given virtually or in-person.

For law firms (or any other businesses) that need to avoid encroaching on billable hours, the ½ day workshop can be split into 4 lunch-and-learn sessions.

We got a little creative with the topic names, as you can see.

Hour 1: It’s All About the Brain, ‘Bout the Brain, No Cellphone

·        Interactive productivity icebreaker

·        How the human brain works

·        Busting Neuromyth #1

Hour 2: To Sleep, Perchance to Be Productive

·        Busting Neuromyth #2

·        Why enough sleep is critical & tips for better sleep

·        Interactive sleep chronotype quiz

Hour 3: It’s Just a Jump to the Left, and a Step To the Right… Doing the Time Block Again

·        Busting Neuromyths 3 & 4

·        Brain limitations on modern work

·        Why creativity is important for all roles and industries & how to promote it

·        Interactive time-blocking practice

Hour 4: Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance

·        Prioritization

·        Interactive distractions discussion

·        Interactive systems discussion