Entrepreneur Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Use your LifeLine!
We’re in that week between Chrismahanukwaanzika and New Year’s, but it’s no time to let your productivity drain away!
Festivus… for the Rest of Us!
At this time of year, Christmas takes up a lot of airtime, but there are lots of other holidays to celebrate. Many people who aren’t Christians celebrate the holiday, because why not, but others of us aren’t always in the mood.
Boundaries for Profit and Productivity
Rolling your eyes and wondering why you’re seeing a post with therapy-speak in it? “I’m a business owner, not a patient!” But boundaries are not just for family (or something you only think about with a therapist). Setting boundaries can actually help you in your business.
To Be More Productive You Need to Be Brave
Busy is not productive - it’s more of an ego stroke than anything else (as you know if you’ve been reading me for a while!) If you prefer the “satisfaction” of being busy … and putting items on your to-do list just so you can check them off… and if you like the status quo, then you’re not ready to max out on your productivity.
Personal Space for Profit and Productivity
We introverts understand all about the concept of personal space because, well, we need it. A lot of it. November 30 is Personal Space Day, which apparently was tailor-made for us. (Yes, you can be an introvert and still be a business owner.)
We Still Gotta Give Thanks?
Time for Thanksgiving! Even when it’s tough.
4 Reasons To Get a Move On
If you’re a business owner who wants to be productive and efficient, then take a hike!
Literally. November 17 is Take a Hike Day, and hiking (or any other physical activity you enjoy, yes, including THAT) makes you more productive. If you hate the gym then don’t go to the gym, but you still have to get moving in some way.
When’s the Last Time You Exposed Yourself to Art?
If you’re a business owner of a certain age (ahem), do you remember that poster that showed the back of a man flashing a piece of art and the caption was “Expose yourself to art”? OK, maybe I’m 12 at heart, but I always snicker thinking about it.
Are You Ready for Zero Tasking Day?
The end of Daylight Savings Time on the first Sunday in November (in 2022, that’s 11/6) coincides with Zero Tasking Day. You’ve heard me talk about productivity being dependent on single tasking (or monotasking) instead of the mirage of multitasking … but zero tasking is another great tool.
3 Powerful Ways a Checklist Boosts Your Productivity
One of the best ways to make sure you stay productive is to engineer your workspace and your workday for productivity. That means eliminating distractions and overwhelm so that you can focus on one thing at a time.
And another tool (that you don’t have to download or take classes to learn how to use) is a checklist. Since October 30 is National Checklist Day, now’s a good time to see if there are any tasks or processes in your business that could use a checklist.
Emotional Wellness and Productivity
As an entrepreneur, when you think about accomplishing the important stuff in your business (productivity) what do you think of? Prioritizing? Time and energy management? Task batching? All of those are critical, yes. But so is emotional wellness. October is emotional wellness month, so it seems like a good time to write about it!
5 Myths about Productivity BUSTED
I recorded a session on productivity for a writer’s conference the other day, and it was very interesting. I forgot to mention a couple of caveats going in, and the host was upset – maybe even offended – by some of my suggestions. And I could tell he’s one of those people who champions disruption – except apparently when it comes to disrupting things for the sake of productivity.
Why Is Mental Health Important for Business Owners?
Two women, both age 77, both with cancer. One lives independently in a senior living community. She’s a bit frail and on oxygen, but able to get around by herself and have lunch with a friend. The other is in hospice with a few months left to live, incapable of eating any kind of solid food since she lost her last tooth several years ago.
Guess which one took care of her mental health along the way.
More Unproductive Productivity Tools and Tips
Are you a business owner who’s thought about your heart in the past few days? September 29 is World Heart Day, and taking care of your heart is linked to better productivity (no apps required!)
How to Thrive as a Single Business Owner
Does it seem like a paradox to say that it’s very important for single entrepreneurs to build a community? September 22 is National Singles Day, and in the midst of celebrating it don’t forget about friends and colleagues. Why would single people, especially business owners, need to build a clan? If they’re (OK, we’re) single, why do we need other people in business if we don’t need them for partners or spouses?
Leader in Business? Arrrr! Why Don’t You Talk Like A Pirate?
Avast, me mateys in the business ownership ships! In case you were somehow not awarr, National Talk Like a Pirate Day is coming September 19. The holiday is particularly popular with Pastafarians, but entrepreneurs can have a little fun with it too!
Why is Breakfast Part of a Very Important Business?
September is better breakfast month. If you’re a successful business owner, chances are that you eat a healthy breakfast no matter what month it is. But what could breakfast possibly have to do with being a successful entrepreneur?
Behold, the Power of No
How many times over the past month, have you said “yes” to something, even if you didn’t really want to?
Learnings From The Past Year
By the time you read this, I’ll be surfside, taking my annual birthday break from work and the heat of the Coachella Valley. (Actually, this year hasn’t been so bad - I don’t think we’ve been higher than 100 degrees so far.) I recommend my clients regularly relax and recharge, and I practice what I preach!
Brains in Business
Want to be productive? Try this app! No, this software! Pick the exact right 115-step plan and you’ll be super-productive! Do these 13 things every night, wake up at oh-dark-thirty every morning, and you’ll get 197 things done each day!